Thursday, March 28, 2013

Testing Simplebooklet

Stumbled across this chrome browser app - simplebooklet - and really just wanted to have a play to see what it was like, and how easy it was to use. Turns out, it's pretty easy. The range of "apps" now available to use on mobile devices, and directly in browsers is pretty astonishing. They're generally cheap too. This is free and spoiled with ads. But for $5 a year you can use it ad free. Interesting huh? Just click in the top right corner to turn the page. [Sorry about the ads...] But it's just another tool. What could we use it for? How could students use something like this? What expression does it enable? Simplebooklet suggest it's a great tool for marketers - it's a codeless way of creating flipbooks, sliders and animated digital ads. It took me about 10 minutes to create this. Probably a bit longer to blog about it as I tried to turn my random thoughts into words. But it's a simple iframe, embedded above. What do you think?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Digital Sixth Sense

Ok - so it's a technology marketing video - but still good food for thought.

I wonder, how might this kind of technology impact on education? In some ways it feels like today's classrooms are still just playing catch up with basic tech tools.

This kind of thing is on the horizon, and not really all that far away.